This page details all the stories published in Newzzit - the first fortnightly e-newspaper from Singapore, between August 9, 2013, and February 16, 2014,


Please click here for section descriptions.

Print Editions

You can read and download the print edition from here. We recommend this format as we feel that it has the traditional old-world journalistic credibility to it, because you'd then have your very own personal copy of Newzzit.


Issue 14 - February 16, 2014

Issue 13 - February 1, 2014

Issue 12 - January 16, 2014

Issue 11 - January 1, 2014

Issue 10 - December 16, 2013

Issue 9 - December 1, 2013

Issue 8 - November 16, 2013

Issue 7 - November 1, 2013

Issue 6 - October 16, 2013

Issue 5 - October 1, 2013

Issue 4 - September 16, 2013

Issue 3 - September 1, 2013

Issue 2 - August 16, 2013

Issue 1 - August 9, 2013

Web Editions

Even though we recommend the print edition, online reading has it's own charm. You can add comments, engage in discussions, and as we go along we'll add more multimedia content to the stories to complement the e-newspaper.



Web Edition

  • Drug abuse: Education is the key

  • Crime: Police lists key concerns

  • History: The brothels of colonial Singapore

  • Air pollution: Beijing or Delhi, which is worse?

  • Rapes in US: 1 in 5 women, and 1 in 71 men, face the crime in their lifetimes








Web Edition






Web Edition

  • Healthcare: Foreign manpower dependent

  • Theatre: Never too late to pursue a passion

  • Ageing: Is Singapore ready?

  • Pension: The State has a role to play

  • Policies: Sri Lanka, Bolivia and Mauritius lead the way

  • Welfarism: While Sweden tops, South Korea languishes



Web Edition

  • January – Politics: By-election defeat leads call to transform

  • February - Immigration: Population White Paper to “fair” treatment of Singaporeans

  • March - Crime: Todd and Kovan

  • April - Health: Dengue is still a menace

  • May - Corruption: Few aberrations, but system still works

  • June - Environment: Looking forward to a hazy June again?

  • July - Sports: Some unexpected results

  • August - People: Let's build a better Singapore together

  • September - Society: Poverty and race issues need to be addressed

  • October - Economy: Uncertain times

  • November - Cyber world: Hope the master-plan works next year

  • December - Labour: Singapore can do better


Web Edition

Stories related to Little India riots:





Web Edition






Web Edition



Web Edition





Web Edition






Web Edition




Web Edition

  • 2 in 3 Malays and 3 in 5 Indians have faced discrimination at some point while applying for jobs: study finds

  • Edusave for madrasahs: “long-standing issue” but a welcome development nevertheless

  • Employment discrimination is not uncommon”: Suara Musyawarah

  • What concerns the Indian community in Singapore - The Narpani dialogue

  • 'Allah' in Malaysia: mine, yours or ours

  • Northern Provincial Council elections: a chance for reconciliation in Sri Lanka

  • Abbott's win not good news for the “boat people”




Web Edition

  • PM's National Day Rally: A speech of contradictions?

  • Parl committee on health vs PM's "acts of faith"

  • "Terrorism financing" to cost the same as "money laundering" in Singapore

  • The secret world of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

  • The business of Buddhism in Thailand

  • US exempts SG from sanctions despite cases of illegal trade with Iran in recent years

  • Info-graphics on Singapore's arms imports, exports and ownership




Web Edition

  • Govt audits: its the same story every year

  • "Let's talk"

  • HOTA: presumed consent scheme for organ transplant in Singapore

  • The changing face of mosques in Singapore

  • As Isan prospers, sex tourism set to decline in Bangkok

  • The identity crisis of Singaporean Arabs

  • After minarets, a Swiss canton goes for the burqa ban





Web Edition

  • LGBT support rally gathers more numbers than population paper protests

  • From "a baby every seven minutes" to "silver tsunami"

  • The Sook Ching massacre and War memories of Singapore

  • Singapore's funeral industry and the New Burial System

  • It's time Bumiputeras learn something from Lee's One Singapore

  • "Happy" Bhutanese throw their govt out of power

  • Scandinavia is also not Shangri-La



This is the newly-introduced web-only space in Newzzit. Our e-newspaper comes out every fortnight and a lot of relevant events happen between each issue, which we feel must reach our readers. Additionally, while doing field reporting, we observe lots of stuff that doesn't necessarily translate into a Newzzit story but is an interesting read nevertheless. In a nutshell, this section is Newzzit's reporter diary. Please click here to read it.