Aam-baat: Well done. And be back.

In response to a blog post on NDTV written by Congress MP Mani Shankar Aiyar titled, Mani-talk: Thank you. And good bye

In the last 49 days, we have seen:

An inclusive public swearing-in “costing many lakhs”, which was attended by the rich and poor alike. Even the most disadvantaged felt empowered and identified with his or her role in the government formation. What are the odds of a rickshaw-puller getting inside a Raj Bhawan to witness the swearing-in ceremony of a Congress chief minister? Care to bet few samosas and jalebis?

A government taking up arms against the lal-batti culture and attempting to remove elitism from our political class. The stories of even ambulances carrying critical patients being made to wait because a minister's convoy was passing became a thing of the past.

A young lady minister who took a dowry-harassment case to the senior-most police officer of the state, hoping that the officer-in-question would carry out his constitutionally mandated duty. The officer, quite surprised and almost in contempt because of the tenacity shown by the young lady minister, chose to ignore the minister's plea. As with millions of young women before her, the victim was burnt alive. She suffered 45% burn in a case of “attempted suicide”.

A law minister who “shockingly” thought it's his duty to work towards resolving the huge backlog of cases pending in Delhi courts, and assist the judiciary in ensuring this. An effort which drew praise even from the Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court.

The same minister, who taking cognisance of the repeated representations that the residents of his constituency had made to the SHO-in-question and his superiors, decided to verify the facts himself. On seeing that the residents were right, he stood on the road for four hours pleading and reminding the SHO his constitutionally mandated duty.

The “free” media repeatedly alleging that the same minister raided the private homes himself; his supporters molested the women involved; few were even told to urinate in public; and even that the doctors at AIIMS were pressurised. And all this while, the entire footage of what happened that fateful night was available with three different news channels, for any one to substantiate the above claims.

A Chief Minister who was conscious of where, how and in what he lives, so as not to alienate himself from the Aam Aadmis of his state. The cap, Main hoon Aam Aadmi, which the same CM wore, was worn both in letter and in spirit.

That even before the Swaraj bill became a reality, people of Delhi got a taste of the widely appreciated town-hall concept of the West and experienced true democracy. Subservience to elected representatives, without any hulla-gulla, for five-long years became history.

The same CM who asserted [probably for the first time in modern India's history] every citizen's right to a lifeline water. Yes, it's his “short-coming” that in the 49-days of his government, he couldn't fix metres in all the households of Delhi, a city with population exceeding 1.5 crores.

The same CM who gave a one-time total relief of Rs six crores to 24,036 people on their electricity bills. Yes, it's his “fault” that this “policy” decision was not granting a recurring Rs 54,000 crores annual “relief” to the richest man in India.

The same CM who actually understood what it means for India to be a republic - safety and security for half of our population. Yes, it's his “fault” that in his “naivety” he didn't understood that it is Delhi Police's “observation of the laws of arrest and detention”, which has made Delhi the rape capital of India and a matter of international shame.

A party which didn't understand that the post of a constitutional authority such as the governor is always “unbiased” and “apolitical”. Never mind the Ram Lals, P Ventatasubbaiahs, Bhanu Pratap Singhs, Romesh Bhandaris, Hans Raj Bhardwajs – the list just goes on and on.

A CM who actually read the constitution. Otherwise just staying in power at any cost seems to be the mantra for others. “Horse-trading” as a normal phenomenon of Indian politics precedes AAP by many decades. Not to mention, Delhi's 15-year-CM agrees with the 49-day-CM on the issue of “Centre's consent”.

Finally, revealing the most-open secret in India today that the two national parties are two-sides of the same coin. “27 Ayes and 42 Noes” may become the war-cry of Delhi's next assembly elections.

Yes, indeed, the “entertainment” is over, but the revolution has just begun. For 49 days, the youth, the old, the marginalised, the privileged - everyone dreamt together and felt empowered.

Come May, the “circus” will be back and with a bang. You have ignored them, now laugh at them. The day is not far when you will fight them. And then they will win!

Well done. And be back.